Description of English programmes

Important note: There must be a group of minimum 15 applicants who are qulified for admission, who have arrived before the start of academic year for the programme to be open.


Name of the programmeMajorLevel of studiesLanguage of instruction
Aquaculture and FisheriesxbachelorEnglish
Economicsaccounting and finance in economic entitiesbachelorEnglish
Economicsproperty valuation and real estate transactionsbachelorEnglish
Chemical EngineeringxbachelorEnglish
Chemical EngineeringxmasterEnglish
Materials Science and EngineeringxbachelorEnglish
Biotechnologybiotechnology in animal production and environmental protectionmasterEnglish
Civil Engineeringengineering structuresmasterEnglish
Civil Engineeringinternational construction managementmasterEnglish
Materials EngineeringLightweight StructuresmasterEnglish
Materials EngineeringProcessing of Polymer MaterialsmasterEnglish