first days at the university

DEAN'S OFFICE of the receiving faculty (in Polish: dziekanat)

The Dean's Office is the unit that manages student affairs at a given faculty. Immediately after your arrival in Szczecin, this is the first place you should visit in order to obtain, among other things, the following:

• student identity card

• access to the electronic e-dziekanat system

• student status certificates(if applicable)



While being enrolled at the hosting faculty at WPUT in Szczecin, international students are entitled to obtain the student card (Polish: legitymacja studencka) at their faculty Dean’s Office (Polish: dziekanat). The cost of issuing the card is 17 PLN (ca. 4,5 EUR).

Get the student card as soon as possible – apart from confirming a student status, the card is necessary to get around the University (e.g. access to libraries) and enjoy your student life at discount prices (e.g. public transport in towns, trains, admissions, clubs).



…is an electronic student system, to which every student has access on the basis of  individual login and password. In the e-dziekanat you will check the schedule of classes, possible fees for studies, accommodation, etc.



The academic year consists of two semesters and begins on 1 October. Before the start of classes, the University organizes an official inauguration to which all students are invited. The dates below organise a general scheme for any academic year at Polish universities. The detailed schedule of the given academic year, the schedule of classes or the list of free days is available on the Faculty's website.


1 October - mid Februarywinter semester
1 October - end of Januaryclasses (15 weeks)
22 December - 2 January Christmas break
until mid-Februarywinter examination session
mid-February inter-semester break (one week)
last week of February - mid-June classes (15 weeks)
Easter break one week
mid-June - 30 Junesummer examination session
Septemberautumn re-take examination session


…it is an internal legal act regulating academic issues, studies, examinations and credits, rights and duties of students, disciplinary responsibility, awards and distinctions. Each student has the right to familiarize himself/herself with the content of the regulations, which is made available on the Faculty's website.



The central unit of the university, which offers consultations, assistance and guidance to foreign students on formalities related to stay in Szczecin and the University (heatlh insurance, legalization of the stay, etc.).

What do we do?

  • We recruit foreigner nationals for first and second degree studies,
  • We issue documents confirming admission for the first year of first and second degree studies,
  • We allocate places in student houses for 1st year students,
  • We provide information on the possibility of legalizing your stay in Poland or health insurance.


We cannot help you with? We do not conduct matters related to:

  • Course of studies (the organization and manner of conducting classes, examinations, passes),
  • E-dziekanat system,
  • Possibilities of obtaining a scholarship (scientific, social),
  • Confirmation of student status,
  • Charging fees for studies.


Correspondance address: al. Piastów 17, 70-310 Szczecin, POLAND

Visiting address: al. Pułaskiego 10, room 15 (ground floor)



Visiting hours: Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 14:00