* subjects and assessment required for admission

List of subjects confirmed by the secondary school certificate to be taken into account in the qualification process for particular bachelor programmes.


BSc in Aquaculture and Fisheries

1. biology, chemistry or mathematics,

2. additional subject to be chosen by the candidate,

3. modern foreign language.


BA in Economics

1. mathematics,

2. additional subject to be chosen by the candidate,

3. modern foreign language.


BSc in Chemical Engineering

1. mathematics, chemistry or physics,

2. additional subject to be chosen by the candidate (preffered: chemistry, physics, science),

3. modern foreign language.


BSc in Materials Science and Engineering

1. mathematics, chemistry or physics,

2. additional subject to be chosen by the candidate (preffered: chemistry, physics, science),

3. modern foreign language.


Calculation of points in accordance with grade conversion  (format:  pdf, rozmiar:  157 kB)

LP = 0,5*A*1 + 0,2*B*1 + 0,2*C*1 + 0,1*D*1

Symbols stand for subjects and assessments indicated on secondary school certificate required for a given programme:

A – assessment in  mathematics, biology or chemistry

B – assessment in additional subject

C – assessment in native language(not required, in case of subject not indicated on the school certificate "0" points are calculated)

D – assessment in foreign modern language

Total score will be available on candidates account in "Enrollment applications".