required documents - BACHELOR programmes

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS for admission to bachelor programmes

Submitted only by candidates qualified for admission (publication of list of candidates qualified for admission takes place according to the schedule).

Documents must be submitted / uploaded in the IRK system.


List of documents:

  1. Personal questionnaire - application form for studies with the candidate's signature;
  2. Declaration of redinness to take up studies in a chosen form.
  3. A photocopy of the secondary school certificate (with the list of grades) legalised or with an apostille;
  4. Translation into Polish or English of the certificate referred to in point 3, if it is drawn up in a foreign language or English version of the document;
  5. A medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications for the candidate to study on the chosen programme;
  6. A photocopy of the ID card or other document confirming the identity of the candidate for studies (preferable a valid passport);
  7. Current color photograph - which is uploaded in the IRK system;
  8.  A photocopy of a document confirming knowledge of the language in which the studies will be conducted (issued not later than 2 years before) - candiates are asked to familiarize with the English language requirements,
  9. Eligibility statement - an official confirmation that presented certificate entitles its holder to take up further education (at bachelor level) in the country of issue



Eligibility statement (format:  pdf, rozmiar:  160 kB)


During admission process the University will accept scans of admission documents, with the proviso that the candidate shall be obliged to present the originals (hard copies with original signatures and stamps) for inspection by the date set by the University, i.e:

1) by 31 October - in the case of studies starting from the winter semester,

2) by 31 March - for degree programmes beginning in the summer semester.